Waker International Volunteer Online Information Session

Waker International Volunteer Online Information Session

2023/10/24 - 2024/04/25
電話:+886-2-33225103 #24

\ Waker International Volunteer Recruitment /
Let's learn more about international volunteering and join us to accompany children together!

😮What is international volunteering?
😮Where to go and what to do?
😮Where do people go?
😮Are these places safe?
If you have the above questions, then come and join us for the Waker volunteering International Volunteer Orientation Session! 
Experts are here to answer your hundred thousand 'whys'!

【Waker International Volunteer Online Information Session】
|Event Information
4/24(Wed.)  5-6 P.M. PDT / 8-9 P.M. EDT (US and Canada) 
8-9 A.M. SST / 8-9 A.M. MYT / 10-11A.M. AEST / 2-3A.M. CEST
Location:Google Meet
Meeting link:https://meet.google.com/cua-rvxh-fau
Meeting code:cua-rvxh-fau

| Notes
1.Overseas participants, please convert the time to your respective time zones!!
2.This session will be conducted entirely in English.

If you have any questions,
feel free to reach out to the Waker Volunteering International Service Department.   
Annie  +886-2-33225103 #24